7 Books To Read About Life in 2024: Reader’s Choice [Updated]
In this chaotic world, the goal of living a peaceful and fulfilled life has become difficult to achieve. Are you also worried about the obstacles and difficulties of your life journey? Don’t worry! Here we are with a collection of books to read about life. These are the best companions that make you learn from […]
Top 10 Most Life-Changing Books to Read For Self Improvement 2024
Want to become a better you? The Best Books to Read for Self-improvement are like super helpful guides for getting there. They can make you smarter, teach you new stuff, and change how you see things. But there are tons of books! It’s hard to know which ones to pick. Don’t stress! Here we are […]
What are the Best Books Based on Real Life Stories? Explore 2024 List
You would agree with the fact that life is filled with stranger-than-fiction moments; however, it is quite a difficult task to collect all the real events of your life structured in a book. It seems simple to take the fantastical moments of your life and turn them into an even better story to be presented […]
What is a Story Based on Real Life Called? Difference Between Fiction and Nonfiction
Stories appear in the vast expanse of literature like stars in the night sky, each sparkling with its own exceptional promise and attraction. There are stories that make us experience the charm of the world where magic is present in real life, and dragons exist, while there are other stories that illustrate the bitter truth […]
11 Bestselling Self-Help Books for Boosting Self-Confidence
The best self-help books to get you started on your journey to self-improvement and becoming a better version of yourself no matter what challenges life throws at you. Self-improvement and self-help are concepts that deal with maximizing your potential as a human being in a way that leads to greater progress and growth. The best […]
What is the Art of Self-Reliance? Insights from Best Self-help Book
What is the Art of Self-Reliance? The art of self-reliance is the ability to handle situations and circumstances completely on your own. This involves taking personal responsibility, being level-headed in approaching situations and having discipline. Insights from the Best Self-Help Books As you will often find in the best self-help books, having a strong mindset […]
Can You Overcome Trauma and Thrive? Lessons from Self-help Book by Alex C. Hernandez Sr.
What is Trauma? Trauma or traumatic events are caused by numerous reasons. For example, trauma can occur due to a horrific accident and leave the person in a damaged state, both physically and mentally. Trauma also refers to frightening or unexpectedly distressing events. These events have a powerful effect on our psyche. The aftermath of […]
What is Called Paramedics? How to Become a Paramedic 2024
The Need for Emergency Services Medicine and the medical profession are what keep society running. Without doctors, paramedics and emergency personnel, we’d be living in an unreasonably dangerous world. When we have services that cater to health emergencies in the nick of time, we are able to progress faster as a society. Emergency medical services […]
How the Grinch stole BLS
To borrow from the Grinch I hate, hate, hate… hate, hate… double hate… Loathe entirely how we teach CPR to the general public as well as to many medical professionals in a class known as BLS. BLS stands for basic life support. Basic life support are the most basic components of CPR which would enable […]
Sepsis: The Killer Among Us
Sepsis is a silent killer. It attacks indiscriminately and systemically. With surgical precision the attack is both methodical and aggressive. Like an apex predator in the wild sepsis hunts the weak and the frail. As such, the immunocompromised are especially susceptible to the merciless onslaught. Sepsis begins with a mere infection that progresses to hemodynamic […]